There are three types of love. There may be more, there may be less, but this is what I've come across so far in my travels.
The first everyone knows about, and I'll name it "True Love". This love is spellbinding. This love renders one speechless. This love involves soul mates, one in a millions, my one and only, and the destined One. After the Disney movies, after the crash dates, after the dust settles on the wrong guys or girls, the reality sets in and starts to show a hairline crack in the makeup of this, "True Love". Out of six billion people, and half of them the opposite sex, can there honestly be one for you? There's simply not enough time to go through all three billion people to find this one, but if you did, would there really just be one, or would there be several you could or would fall in love with? I don't fully believe in this type of love.
The next type of love is another one most should be familiar with, "Love at first sight". From the start most don't believe in this, or at least I didn't. I'm reminded of that pick-up-line, "Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?" It makes me laugh every time. Now, I don't fully believe in this love either but there is some truth behind it. Sometimes there is someone who just leaves you with a striking and long lasting impression and that impression isn't only from the attractiveness quality in him or her. Attractiveness is part of love at first sight, but there is something more behind it and beyond it. First hand experience was what made this love more believable.
The last love I only realized a few years ago and when I saw it I was a little saddened. I was watching "Love comes Softly" with my mom. Now, another thing I didn't mention about me, and actually a curse God has placed upon me is my fondness for romantic films aka chic flics. I'm deeply embarrassed by this, but for the sake of this theory will admit it. Anyway, this cheesy hallmark film basically left the impression that any woman who stays with any man long enough will fall in love. The love won't even only be from the woman either, it'll be from the man as well. Take two strangers, lock them in a room together for a year, and eventually they will fall in love, is what this movie left me for a theme. I was crushed and heartbroken, sadly not even from a real girl, but a romantic happy ending film. I tried to come to terms with this new love, and I'm only trying to still piece it together.
Here's what I've come up with, and again it is a work in progress. When I took Sociology in high school we talked about, "True Love" and how it's not really real or true. That there isn't one soul mate out "there" for you. A female student spoke up and said she believed in types. Her thinking was that there were certain types of females who could get a long with certain types of males. Type A girls get along best with type A guys and so on. I didn't know what to think of it then, but the more I think about it, the more I agree. Piece together all the three loves together, "True love" but spilt it a little, add love at first sight character, and add the aging love comes softly theory and what do you have, a love that is partly instantaneous for the pure and simple striking effect, played out through time and only with a certain type of person (you're one type) and you've got something. A love that begins with a sudden push, in the right direction, and nurtured, and you have a love that passes for barely definable.
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