Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Welcome to "Philosophy for dummies". Just kidding, but I would like to mention that a good starting point for any philosopher of any kind needs or should or is best to start any theory or philosophizing with a definition. A definition of an important word in the work. A working definition helps build a solid foundation. A concrete setting to your home of theory or theories.

When a definition is at the beginning it sets the mood, and can always be pulled from again when working with the theory itself. When a person gets lost in their own work, they can always go back and see what they're really trying to say, or make a point about. For me, I always lose my head in the clouds, so I know that I need to look back a lot at the beginning of my thesis and realize what it truly is that I am saying or thinking. To make something clear and brilliant. Making something jump out and poignant is my goal every time I write something. That is my absolute goal in anything I do, to make something more clear or more interesting or worth examining. That is the work of the philosopher, that is my work, my hobby, my love, and my every waking existence.

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