Saturday, April 5, 2008

First Blog

The reason I am finally starting to blog is not that I am non-technical. I am not slow to change. I am not resisting post-modernity. I am quite adaptive and enjoy a little spice in life. The reason I am finally starting one is because I have a little more order. A little more free time on my hands. This blog is out of a creation of weekly emails I have started doing.

My name is Paul. I grew up in a suburb of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. My childhood was for the most part normal. High school is probably the crucial moment where my life leads to where it is today. I remember our high school would have four different times for lunch break. My junior year I had the last lunch break, but I would scarf my food down and finish by the end of the third lunch break time. This gave me time to roam the high school halls. I was a little rebellious. I started getting tired of walking and wandering around, so I would sit down and write. Just write what I was thinking about. Politics, Hollywood, Change in itself, Art, and other such ideas. I even created a website for my philosophical inklings. Unfortunately due to the cost and no income for the website, it soon vanished from the web. My senior year, along with attaining a girlfriend, I took classes that I loved, Sociology, Psychology, and Philosophy. I knew that I would love Philosophy not just because it was mysterious, but because of the teacher. He was a very popular and much loved teacher. That year he actually retired, so I was glad I was able to have class with him.

My dreams and goals pointed me in the direction of Arts and hopes of attaining a career in Computer Animation. The failure of my drawing abilities and trouble with my high school sweet heart drove me to transfer to a private Christian college in a rural town in northwest Iowa. Probably, hence the name of the school, Northwestern College. When I transfer, I declared my major right away knowing that Philosophy was more than just a hobby, it was who I wanted to be. I felt philosophy gave me the chance to go beyond borders and search endlessly. I was enthusiastic and excited, grabbing at everything thrown my way. I absolutely loved it.

Knowing I had to be practical it was a choice between my future as a math teacher or a student of business. I chose business. My time at Northwestern is unforgettable and I think it will follow me the rest of my days, which I am not only hoping but counting on.

With a Bachelor's degree in Business and Philosophy in tow, I followed my ambitions ever since I was a child and moved to Bellingham, Washington with a college friend. Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to live in Seattle. I am not sure why, could be Frasier, or the callings of the Space Needle, or the freeing feeling of the west coast.

That is where I am in life, but that does not explain who I am. I am weird. I am funny sometimes. I am critical. I analyze almost everything. I am hopeful. I am idealistic. I am realistic. I am liberal and forgiving. I am disciplined and calm. I am introverted and sociable. I am lazy and a perfectionist. I am eccentric and exotic. I am un-understandable and confusing. I even confuse myself sometimes. I am broad-minded and usually never focused. I swim in theories (not conspiracies), in thoughts, and in ideas. I exercise when sitting. I run when deducing. I glide when stuck. I listen and speak out. I watch and wait, but assume as well. BUT for all intents and purposes, I am: me. And that's who I'll be when writing, thinking, discussing, and philosophizing.

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